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The Flat Rocks Wind Farm Stakeholder Group


Who is behind the wind farm Development Application?

As to Stage 1 - Enel Green Energy an Italian multinational who have two solar energy projects in Australia and who bought this project from Moonies Hill Energy Pty Ltd

As to stages 2 and 3 - Moonies Hill Energy Pty Ltd.



Moonies Hill Energy is a private proprietary limited company registered on the 11th of June 2008.

The company’s registered place of business is in Pensioner Rd, Kojonup.


Enel Green Power is an Italian multinational renewable energy corporation, headquartered in Rome that manages more than 1,200 power plants on 5 continents. It is a subsidiary of energy company Enel Ltd.

Have any 3rd party Stakeholders signed written agreements that allow a turbine to be erected within 1 KM of dwellings/sensitive premises?


What regulatory body administers the approval process for wind farms?

Local Shire Councils administering their respective Town Planning Schemes.



What is the current Shire zoning under the relevant Town Planning Schemes of the land upon which the Development Proposal is sited?

Rural use.



What is rural use?

Rural pursuit is defined in the Scheme text as the agricultural activities of, animal and cropping production the SPP 5 makes no mention of industrial use like wind farms for the generation of electricity indeed it is not even mentioned in the state policy planning document.



Can Wind Turbines catch fire?



How far have turbines been moved or micro sited from the original plan lodged with the Development Application?

Some turbines appear to have already been moved or “ micro sited “ without any neighbourhood consultation, it now appears from the layout plans provided by the Proponent that the 200 metre high turbines are located as close as 60 metres to neighbouring "rural premises" property boundaries.

Have any 3rd party Stakeholders signed confidentiality agreements or compensation agreements?



If I as a landowner,  consent to a turbine being erected on my land, could I potentially have a claim or action brought against me for loss and damage?

Landowners could potentially be liable if they are found to have breached a duty of care to others, who have suffered an injury for which damages are recoverable at law and that damage was foreseeable, possible causes of action or loss might include nuisance, escape of fire, personal injury and financial loss.

How many individual freehold private properties are situated within 10 kilometres of a proposed turbine?

It is estimated, subject to "micro siting" that 450 individual separate freehold properties are located within the area surrounding and interspersed between the four development envelopes the vast majority of the owners of the neighbouring properties have joined the Stakeholder group.

What is the approximate average size of the rural properties within that area?

The current estimate is 150 hectares with some as small as less than 1 hectare.  

Why aren’t wind turbines as a land use compatible with rural pursuits?

Wind turbines as a land use causes interference with neighbouring aerial crop spraying and interference with aerial fire fighting activities, noise infra sound with potential to interfere with stock. Furthermore the generation of electricity require buffers to sensitive premises. Rural premises including paddocks and dams are defined as 'sensitive premises' under the Environmental Protection (Noise) regulation1977 and therefore required buffers are to be in place between wind turbines and rural premises.

Will the existence of a Windfarm in Kojonup, Broomehill/Tambellup reduce the value of my nearby properties?

It is quite possible that reductions in land values in the area will occur subsequent to the building of a windfarm. Previous anecdotal evidence shows that landowners immediately adjacent to windfarms suffer the greatest reduction in land values with the impact being reduced the further your property is from the windfarm turbines. It should be noted that if you are able to demonstrate financial loss caused by the windfarm, you may be able to claim compensation for injurious affection following Shire approval. (Section 173: Town Planning and Development Act of Western Australia, 2005.).

The Flat Rocks Windfarm Stakeholder Group

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